NZNDA member
Showing 17–32 of 33 results
Duke of York & Princess May medals.
French Notra Dam statue of the black virgin badge.
George III, Imitation Guinea card counter 1798.
George III, brass Guinea coin weight.
Indian and Colonial Exhibition 1886 medalet.
Kendal, Good Luck, advertising token.
Lauer Miniture Penny.
Life Saving Medal.
NZ Glass MFRS Ltd, token.
New Zealand Reply Coupons.
Coronation 1838 Queen Victoria counter.
Commonwealth Reply Coupon for stamps 1957 Great Britain.
To Hanover Gaming token 1849.
Vesta Batteries Pub spinning token.
Victoria Game Token 1902.
Queen Victoria's visit to the Guildhall in London 1837 couinter.